Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Name Is Jaco

Jaco Algonquin Nelson

My full name is Jaco Algonquin Nelson. I was born August 17, 1997 in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada.  I had a lot of brothers and sisters at one time but when my mom, dad, sister and brother to be came to visit there was just me and my brother. When they arrived he and I were in a little pen. He was jumping all over the place trying to get the attention of the visitors. But I just stayed in the corner with my back to all the commotion. When other visitors came I did what my other brothers and sisters did. I barked and jumped around trying to get noticed. But was always left behind. This time I decided to try an approach that I'd seen my sister use just before she was taken away.

Well, my strategy worked. Before too long my soon to be dad noticed me in the corner. I heard him say 'I could never have a dog like that'. Referring to my yappy brother. Look at this shy little guy, he said. And then he picked me up. I was soooo excited I almost peed. My mom to be took this picture of my dad to be holding me. As you can see by the look on my face I still didn't want to make to much of it all. After all he didn't pick up my brother. So I just kept calm and cool and tried not to appear to excited by the whole thing. A few of my other siblings had been carted off in the past few days and I wanted to make sure that I didn't get left behind this time. After a little while we went outside. At first `I thought they were taking me away with them. But we just sat outside on the front lawn taking more pictures. My brother and sister to be held me in their arms. I walked over to the corner of the lawn and had a little pee. I think they liked that cause I didn't pee on them. I could have, I was so excited. We all played for a long time it was a lot of fun. I was sure I'd be going a way with them.

We all went back in the house but then my to be dad put me back in the pen with my brother. I was so sad. I was so sad that I just went back to my little corner and cried. My brother was still jumping around yelping. But no one noticed him they just walked away and left us both there. I couldn't see what was going on but I could hear voices in the distance. And then it was all over. I heard the door close and then there I was left in the pen with my brother. I could tell that he sensed that his show was all to no avail and that he would be left in the pen with me for another day. I thought it would be forever.

But at least I knew where he was. My little brother. My other brothers and sisters were becoming a faint memory. I wish I knew where they were. Maybe they went to places where they don't like little puppies. At night my brother and I would snuggle up close to keep warm. Before I went to sleep I'd think about the rest of my family and wonder how they were doing. I hope they were getting lots to eat and that they had a warm place to sleep. I miss them. Ahhhooooo!

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